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Personal basket tranfer form  supply boat to oil&gas rig offshore during crew change by bo

Services we deliver are:

  • Standard OEUK offshore medical assessment (60min)  £140 

​        health questionnaire, height, weight, urine test, blood pressure, audiogram, doctor examination 

  • In water training fitness certificates with OEUK medical-note these are without lung function testing at present £160

  • OEUK fitness to return to offshore consultations, short (30min-£110) and long (45min-£150)

  • For out of hours urgent medicals contact us £200

  • ML5 Medicals £75

  • Request report from GP or specialist £50 plus provider charge

  • RUK medical (wind turbine medical) with a Chester Step Test £200, lung function as required for an additional £50.

If you are a company who wants to book for your employees/ recruits then please contact us at or 

UK phone: 07729798003

Example of QR code certificate fixated on blockchain:

Our privacy policy is available here.

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